Fines, restaurant bills and tax crimes: all the troubles of Camila Giorgi

There are also restaurant bills and unpaid fines among Camila Giorgi ‘s debts . And also a Uipe, or an executive title for European collection. Which would come from Great Britain. In addition to the 465 thousand euros seized from the Tennis Federation by the Italian tax authorities. The name of the now former Italian-Argentine tennis player is in the register of suspects of the Florence prosecutor’s office for tax crimes. Her lawyers Federico Marini and Cristian Carmelo Nicotra said yesterday that her “escape” was not due to problems with the tax authorities but to disagreements in the family. While she was acquitted for the contributions relating to 2013 and 2014 with the American tax authorities. While about her father Sergio, Corriere della Sera reports , an anecdote is circulating in the Tennis Federation regarding some tennis balls taken and never paid for.

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